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Looking For A Few Good Men...Elders
Series: LeadershipScripture Reading: 1 Timothy 3:1-7
We Need Leaders!
The Woodsfield Church of Christ has been around for a long time. Since 1856, there has been a congregation of God’s people here at the Woodsfield CoC worshipping together and being a light in the community for the gospel. 1856—2019. 163 years. That’s a really, really, really long time. 8 generations of people, over two average lifetimes.
The thing that makes this church tick is good leadership. There’s a difference between churches that are still thriving after over 160 years, and those that struggle and eventually close their doors after a few decades, and that difference is good leadership. We’ve been blessed over the years to have good, godly men and women that have led in various ways and ministries. We’ve been blessed to have good, godly deacons, elders and ministers that have set the vision for the future of this congregation. As we have many times in the past, we are at a point where we need additional elders and deacons. In the month of March, we will take a break from our study through Colossians to focus on this need of additional leaders. Specifically, we are going to reaffirm two of our existing elders, then move to adding additional elders and deacons. March 3rd and 10th, I’ll be preaching on elders and deacons and their qualifications. On March 17th, you’ll be asked to reaffirm some of our existing elders, and March 24th there will be a call to for new elder nominations from the congregation. After we’ve established any new elders, we’ll move to doing the same for new deacons.
I hope you’ll be in prayer about this. Opportunities such as these only come around so often. The future of the church rises and falls on its leaders. As we hear from God’s word and what He desires in these men, begin considering who in our own congregation may be fit to serve in these roles.
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