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Listening To The Spirit
Series: To the Ends of the EarthWe all have heard that “inner voice” before, right? Some people call it a conscience, some people refer to it as their heart. There are all sorts of names for it. I like to call it the Holy Spirit. And, before you get too far ahead of me, I think this voice speaks even to unbelievers. John 16:8 says the Spirit will convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgement. I believe the Spirit speaks to all men and women. The question is, do we listen?
When it comes to evangelism, the Holy Spirit is always at work. He’s active in our lives, prompting us to speak and giving us words to say, and He’s active in the unbeliever’s life, convicting them and opening their eyes to the truth. On either end of the conversation, however, the Spirit’s work is limited to the ways in which we allow Him to be active. On the unbeliever’s end, the Spirit cannot convict if hearts are hard or resistant. On the believer’s end, the Spirit cannot prompt and give words if we choose not to listen.
So, for us as believers, do we listen? When we feel a nudge, a prompting by the Spirit to talk with someone or share Jesus with them, do we? Many of us have nudges that we ignore. Eventually, God may stop asking. Don’t quench the Spirit (I Thess. 5:19). Listen for His voice.
-Scott McFarland