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The Demons Obey
Series: The Gospel of MarkEnjoy Your Life
The other weekend, Abby and I took a quick trip out to Marysville to visit with some old friends and attend a graduation party for one of the teens we worked with while there. It was great to see everyone—it had been almost 5 years since we had seen some of them. As you can imagine, the kids were a lot bigger. I didn’t even recognize some of them. Our friends all have children about the same age, so we were standing around talking about how big they are all getting and how quickly time is passing. Driving back late that night, I was reflecting on how fast time does fly. It will be 5 years in a few months that we moved to Woodsfield. Hannah starts kindergarten in a few weeks. With a growing family, it seems like time keeps going by faster and faster.
Like many of you, I have a habit of always looking for the “next thing” instead of enjoying where I’m at right now in life. I was thinking about a verse in Ecclesiastes 9:9—Enjoy life with the wife whom you love, all the days of your vain life that he has given you under the sun, because that is your portion in life and in your toil at which you toil under the sun. The word “vain” sometimes gets translated “meaningless” or “vapor” or “breath”—it’s a common word throughout the book to describe how quickly life goes by and how futile it is for us to pursue so many of the things in this life that we do. Towards the end of the book, the writer simply says, “Life is short. Enjoy it.”
Life is short. And we do need to enjoy it. God has blessed us with this world to enjoy while we are here. When was the last time you soaked in a sunset, took a morning walk with the birds waking up, went on a trip with your family, or just enjoyed the company of good friends and forgot about the “to do list”? If you’re like me, sometimes you just need to put aside whatever is going on and enjoy where you are. It’s better to enjoy it now than to reminisce about it later.
-Scott McFarland