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The King Is Crucified
Series: The Gospel of MarkWhile We Were Still Sinners
This past week I’ve been dealing a lot with the crucifixion in preparation for the sermon. Whenever I review the details of what Jesus went through as a victim of crucifixion, I’m always in awe. I’m in awe of the level of torture and pain developed by men to inflict on someone else as punishment. I’m in awe of just how agonizing the entire process was for Jesus, not just the actual crucifixion. And, I’m in awe that He knew full well what He was about to do and He decided to follow through anyway.
That last statement led me to remember a passage from Romans 5:8, “But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Jesus didn’t wait for us to be worthy of His pain and suffering. He chose the cross in spite of our unworthiness. If we were in Jesus’ situation, we would probably want to know that that level of pain and suffering was going to go to a good cause, towards someone who would be aware of the sacrifice and grateful enough to live accordingly. However, Jesus not only knew the intensity of pain and suffering He was about to undergo, He also knew that most people in the history of the world would live and die not caring one bit about it. And still, He chose to go to the cross. While we were sinners. While we were ungrateful. While we were unaware. While we were unworthy.
He loved us that much.
-Scott McFarland