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Father To The Fatherless
Scripture: Psalm 68:4-6
Orphan Lifeline International Video:
Protector of the Helpless
I think most (all?) of us were disappointed in how things went in the elections this week in Ohio, particularly on Issue 1. Usually I try to stay out of political stuff, but when it comes to morality I’m not sure I can. I was hoping our state would uphold protecting the unborn, but I was reminded this week that we can’t rely on laws and government to always do the right thing. I love our country, but the way we have failed to protect babies grieves me.
It is tragically ironic that all of this took place this week, because today we celebrate and support a ministry that does just that—protecting the helpless. For almost 25 years, Orphan’s Lifeline International has provided the gospel, food, water, clothing, shelter, and education to children who otherwise would have little or nothing. We do this because we follow the example God set for us in His love for us. While we were helpless, unprotected, even enemies of God, He showed His love for us and died for our sins on the cross. This radical love and protection demonstrates the heart of God—He cares for the helpless and those unable to do things for themselves. Our way of following his example is to do the same for those around us, particularly those in countries with little to no resources like those Orphans Lifeline International serves.
This morning, we’ll look at Scripture and what the Bible has to say about God’s heart towards the helpless. We’ll also be giving you an opportunity to give a separate contribution to Orphan’s Lifeline International. If you would like to give specifically to Orphan’s Lifeline, there is a box on the table in the foyer to give a donation to them. Please do not put money or checks for Orphan’s Lifeline into the regular offering boxes.
I have always appreciate this congregation’s heart for those in need. May the money collected today on behalf of Orphan’s Lifeline be blessed in its work.
Scott McFarland