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Christians and Gender in the 21st Century
Series: Biblical Manhood Biblical WomanhoodScripture: I Chronicles 12:32
Men and Women Reflecting His Image
As we wrap our Biblical Manhood and Biblical Womanhood series, I find myself reflecting. The church today is staring down a cultural moment that is unparalleled in modern history. Unfolding before us is a great deconstruction of ideas and institutions that have always been accepted by the majority of society, secular or Christian. As we see things like marriage, gender, sexuality, education, childhood development, and other parts of the fabric of society being questioned and dismantled, it is tempting to run or get angry. What I would encourage us to do is to lean into the teachings of Scripture, find our footing in what God’s word says on these topics, and allow the Truth to encourage us and embolden us to live differently than the world around.
I have said this before, and I truly believe it: the world will get tired of this, eventually. It may not be in your lifetime or mine, but eventually people will come to the end of these debates and will be looking for something that actually works. Once the shiny has worn off, people want to know what they can bank on and build lives on. It’s at that moment that Christians have an opportunity to step in with the Truth. However, it won’t be just because we have the Truth—we will only be able to speak the Truth if we are living the truth. So, in the meantime, as the world is wandering and wrestling, live the Truth. Reflect the image of God proudly in our genders and in our distinctiveness.
Resist the urge to make men and women the same or interchangeable. Men’s strength and courage, women’s nurture and wisdom are gifts that reflect the image of God in ways the other gender cannot.
The world desperately needs to see God.
Let them see Him in us.
Scott McFarland