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In God We Trust

In God We Trust

In God We Trust…really?

Many of us were shocked and saddened a week ago with the attempted assassination of former president Donald Trump.  It was a punctuation mark on a contentious election season so far, and a reminder of the delicate condition of our country.

I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately, not just as a concerned citizen of the United States, but more importantly as a Christian.  What should be our response to this and other events like it?  Obviously, we condemn these actions and pray for our leaders and those running for office, but what I’m asking is what do we do ongoing?  As Christians, what should be our ongoing response?  What should we be telling ourselves and our children/grandchildren?

Our coins all have a statement on them—In God We Trust.  This statement is a relatively new addition to currency, officially being added in 1955 by Congress and the Eisenhower presidency.  This phrase also replaced “E Pluribus Unum” (“out of many, one”) as the official motto of the United States.

Although we don’t carry physical currency much anymore, any time we look at a coin we see this phrase, “In God We Trust.”  As Christians, this phrase should be understood at a deeper level.  We don’t just trust in God for our nation, we trust Him for our very existence.  As we go through the next few months, and years, I would challenge all of us to think deeply about this statement we claim, “In God We Trust.”  Do we really?  Or, do we just say it?  Is it a motto that we believe or in reality do we trust more in a structure of government, a document, or a particular party or leader?

I believe God is challenging Christians in particular right now.  Do you really trust in God?  Or is it just something on your money?


Scott McFarland

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