All Sermons
Romans 10:17
Preaching from the Bible alone.
We believe in the absolute authority of the Word of God and its ability to provide answers for everything we do in our doctrine and practice.
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The 70%
Scott McFarland
04/28/24 Sermon
The Love of God in Jesus
Jeremy Powell
04/21/24 Sermon
Christians and Gender in the 21st Century
Scott McFarland
04/14/24 Sermon
What Is A Woman?
Scott McFarland
04/07/24 Sermon
A Lot Can Happen In Seven Days
Scott McFarland
03/31/24 Sermon
Act Like Men
Scott McFarland
03/24/24 Sermon
In HIS Image
Scott McFarland
03/17/24 Sermon
Habits To Live By
Mark Beros
03/10/24 Sermon
Awaiting The "King's" Return!
Elijah Wayt
02/25/24 Sermon
Single Purpose
Scott McFarland
02/18/24 Sermon
Enduring a Difficult Marriage
Scott McFarland
02/11/24 Sermon
Leaving and Cleaving
Scott McFarland
02/04/24 Sermon