2023 Vacation Bible School

2023 Vacation Bible School

VBS 2023…That’s a Wrap!

As I write this, it’s only Tuesday and VBS hasn’t even reached the midway point. But, when you read this, it will be Sunday and VBS 2023 will be in the books, another year over. As I write, we’ve seen 95-97 children the first two nights. That’s nearly one hundred kids coming to our building to hear about Jesus. We had 40 adults in our class last night. That’s almost 140 people coming together to learn about God and grow closer to Him. That’s pretty incredible for a weeknight when they could be at home watching TV or on social media.

First, if you’ve played any part in this year’s VBS, THANK YOU! Your contribution to the kingdom will be rewarded. I believe there are special rewards in heaven for VBS helpers! (okay, not really, but there should be). You have helped further the gospel in the lives of the people of Monroe County.

Second, if you sat this year out—why? Maybe you had something else going on this week—I get that. Life is busy. But, if you sat at home each night and watched Jeopardy or binge watched your favorite series on Netflix, why?? Don’t miss out on what God is doing each summer here with VBS. Each year, I grow more proud of our congregation and the effort that goes into VBS. I’m proud of the effort put in by all ages to help pull it off—I’ve watched our teens helping get rooms ready. I’m proud of how the teachers decorate, how much thought is put into the food and snacks, and how excited our kids get because they see all of the effort in the week leading up. Don’t miss it! God wants to use you! We’ve been talking about spiritual gifts the last few weeks together for a reason. It’s not because I need to find a sermon topic and fill some time. It’s because we need everyone’s help in things like VBS. It takes a church.

Find your ministry here—if it’s not VBS, make it something else. Get plugged in. Don’t be a pew potato—God wants to use you! Scott McFarland


Aloha all you servants of God, Thank you all so much for another amazing V.B.S. God has blessed this congregation with such talented and giving people. I so want name all of you, but just know this worn out brain would forget someone. So thank youteachers(from diapers to adults); decorators (from flowers to classrooms); registration (and so many volunteers); technology and designers (from Jeopardy to checks); teens (from Mark to money to dancing-they were amazing); stage crew (from Maui- Master of ceremonies); chefts (so many hours here); games (from limbo to water balloons-what fun!) and most of all to all that attended – what a blessing to see all the smiles and laughter and hear.
– 2 Timothy 1:7