Getting To Heaven
God wants everyone to be saved! 2 Peter 3:8-9
However, because of His justice, God can only save those who obey him! Matthew 7:21
Obviously, one must hear and believe the Gospel message. Romans 10:14-17
One must confess that Jesus is Lord. Romans 10:9
One must repent of his/her sins. By the way, repentance is much more than just sorrow. A lot of folks are sorry that they "got caught," and sorry that they hurt others. True repentance is being sorry AND changing one's behavior.
Luke 13:1-9
One must be immersed (baptized) for the forgiveness of his/her sins. Acts 2:38
All of this, however, is just the BEGINNING! The walk with Jesus is just starting. Now one must find a congregation of believers who are following as accurately as possible the pattern established in the New Testament, and meet with them regularly. Hebrews 10:25
The Christian must pray every day and read and study the Bible. He/she must fight every minute to avoid giving in to the devil's temptations. He/she must, in some capacity, share the Good News of Jesus with others. In the end, our obedience and God's wonderful grace will take us to Heaven!