Bible Bingo
How to Play Bible Bingo
- Download the Bible Bingo Board and Bible Bingo Calling Cards (click on images below for printable version)
- Give each player 1 Bible Bingo Card. (If you like, you can also give each player 2 or more cards.)
- Have everyone cross out the “Free Space” square in the middle of their Bible Bingo Cards. Alternatively, use a Bingo chip, M&M, jellybean, bead, Lego, coin or any small toy to mark the square.
- The game leader picks 1 Bible Bingo Calling Card at a time from the stack and calls out the book of the Bible and the section which it falls under.
- Players with that book on their Bible Bingo Card can cross out that square.
- The first player to cross out 5 squares in a row (in any direction) and shouts “Bible Bingo!” wins.