News & Announcements

News & Announcements

It Takes a Village

I remember the “it takes a village” jokes back when Hillary Clinton wrote her “It Takes a Village” book in 1996.  The point of the book was building on an old African proverb “it takes a village to raise a child,” and the amount of influence others have on a child’s development for the good.  Jokes and politics aside, Hillary had a point.  There is an incredible amount of influence other people have on our children and their development, particularly when it comes to faith.

The text for our sermon today comes from Titus 2 where Paul instructs older women to teach younger women.  The beauty of the church is that we have the depth of intergenerational relationships right at our fingertips.  Study after study shows that it is healthy for young people to have relationships with older people outside of their families.  The perspective on life, the affirmation of another generation, and the passing on of faith and values are all benefits of connecting older and younger generations.

We live in a society that age segregates almost by default.  We have trouble integrating generations and there often exists a suspicion or distrust between older and younger.  “That’s not how it was when I was a kid” or “you’re too old” are common criticisms leveled at each other, which creates an “us vs. them” mentality.  That’s not what we are commanded to do in Scripture.  Older are to teach younger, younger are to respect older.  We have so much to learn from each other!


Scott McFarland