Gospel Meetings
"Being Filled With The Holy Spirit" - 35m:25s
Series: Holy Spirit
Relevent Scriptures: Ephesians 5:15-21; Acts 5:32; Psalm 42:8
When we use the word fill in English we normally think of something being placed into a container such as milk being poured to the brim of a glass, water being run into a bath tub, or gasoline being pumped into a gas tank. But none of those examples conveys precisely the meaning of to fill or be filled as does the Greek pleroo, a form of which is used in Ephesians 5:18 . A literal translation of the verb would read something like "be being kept filled." The idea is one of keeping yourself constantly filled, as you yield moment by moment to the leading of the Spirit. It fits perfectly with the process of walking by the Spirit.
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