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"Lust At First Sight" - 29m:05s
Series: The Upside Down KingdomScripture Reading: Matthew 5:27-30 ; Sermon Series "The Upside Down Kingdom".
Today, we're going to talk about lust. I know, not the most comfortable subject to sit and listen to in a sermon. But, it's an important one.
Jesus’ words on lusts hinge a lot on the concept of faithfulness - what does it look like to be faithful to your spouse, your future spouse, and your family? In Jesus’ day, the concept of faithfulness had been relegated to whether or not one simply engaged in the act of adultery. If no physical adultery, then you were good! Well, as you can imagine, Jesus wasn't completely happy about that - and neither should we. Faithfulness to our spouse and families is more than not sleeping with that man or woman we work with. Faithfulness goes deeper than that --it goes to our heart, and what we allow our mind to dwell on. Join us this morning as we discover what Jesus says about lust, and how we should deal with it.
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