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"Who's Got Your Money?" - 20m:44s
Series: The Upside Down KingdomScripture Reading: Matthew 6:19-24
Where's Your Money?
Godfrey Davis, who wrote a biography about the Duke of Wellington, said, "l found an old account ledger that showed how the Duke spent his money. It was a far better clue to what he thought was really important than the reading of his letters or speeches."**
We've all heard the expression, "Put your money where your where your mouth is." Maybe you’ve challenged someone else with those words, or been challenged by them. The meaning is real—often our money tells a more accurate story as to where our priorities are than anything else. Godfrey Davis’ observation about the Duke of Wellington's ledger is not an uncommon one. Our words and our actions are sometimes two very different things. Where is your money? If someone looked at your bank statements, what would they see beyond the daily necessities? Where's your money?
* *Our Daily Bread, Aug. 1993
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