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"Who Are You Listening To? - 23m:30s
Series: The Upside Down KingdomScripture Reading: Matthew 7:15-20
Like Produces Like
The common phrase "like produces like” is a common phrase that can be traced all the way back to the beginning. In Genesis.1, God commanded for the trees, plants, and animals to produce according to their own. In our world, we see this displayed out whenever our cat has kittens, our d0g pups or our chickens chicks.
There's another twist to this saying, however. Jesus says in Matthew 12:34 ("out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” What is in us eventually comes out in our speech and in our actions. What we say and do is a direct corollary to who we are. Sometimes you hear people apologize for their actions by making the statement, "That’s not me." That may or not be true—-often our actions are pretty indicative of the person we are. While we occasionally do mess up out of character, a pattern of behavior in our lives—-good or bad—is almost always an indicator of the type of person we are inside.
In our attempt to be more like Jesus, we should always be cognizant of our actions. What do we do? And, who are we, really? We may lay claim to being a disciple of Christ, but do our actions prove it? Does what we say line up with what we do? It is all too easy to tell ourselves we are being transformed into the image of Christ, but ignore other actions in our lives that would say otherwise. So this morning, who are you, really? Do your actions prove your claims of following Jesus?
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