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"The Brokenness of Relationship" - 26m:51s
Series: Good NewsScripture Reading: 1 John 3:11-18
Here are some resources for the topic discussed in last weeks sermon, The Brokenness of Sexuality:
Loves God Like Girls By: Sally Gary
Every Man’s Battle By: Arterburn and Stoeker
Soul Virgins By: Rosenau and Wilson
The Necessity of Relationships
Leonard Syme, a professor of epidemiology at the University California at Berkeley, indicates the importance of social ties and social support systems in relationship to mortality and disease rates. He points t0 Japan as being number one in the world with respect to health and then discusses the close social, cultural, and traditional ties in that country as the reason. He believes that the more social ties, the better the health and the lower the death rate. Conversely, he indicates that the more isolated the person, the poorer the health and the higher the death rate. Social ties are good preventative medicine for physical problems and for mental-emotional—behavior problems.*
You probably don't need much to be convinced‘- of the necessity of relationships. From the barely acquainted to the deepest of friendships, relationships fill all sorts of needs beyond just the social aspects of our lives. But, what happens when those relationships fail? What happens when things don't go well in a relationship? How did God intend for us to be in our interactions with others? This morning we'll look at what happens when things don't work out, and how God offers the solution.
*Excerpt from Martin & Diedre Bobgan, How To Counsel From Scripture, Moody Press, 1985, p. 18.
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