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"Reframing the Discussion" - 20m:18s

"Reframing the Discussion" - 20m:18s

Series: How Do You Grieve (Well)?

Scripture Reading:  Mark 5:35-43


How Do You Discuss Death?

How do you discuss death?  Is it an awkward topic that you mostly try to avoid?  When you do talk about it, what’s the typical tone used?  Is it positive or negative?

In my experience, most people avoid discussing death, and when they do have to discuss it, it’s usually passed off in negative terms.  We don’t like death. Death takes away from us people, experiences, and opportunities that we want to have back. We usually see what we or the deceased are missing in the wake of their passing.

What if we could change the tone of the conversation?  What if as believers we didn’t have to talk about death using the same terms the world does?  In our passage this morning, we will look at a passage in Mark 5 in which Jesus clearly does this.  Join us as we discuss death and reframe the discussion.






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