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"All In With My Heart" - 25m:05s
Series: All In: A Journey Through ActsScripture Reading: Acts 8:18-24
Follow Your Heart?
“Follow your heart” is an oft-repeated piece of advice given to those who are struggling with a decision. The intent, of course, is to allow the person to be at peace with the decision he/she makes, and to go with what they feel is the best choice for them. The phrase has found its way into movies, songs, and bumper stickers, all touting the advice to do what will make you happiest.
Is this good advice? I’ve often wrestled with this. On one hand, I know what people mean to say when they give that advice. On the other hand, I also know something dangerous about my heart. It’s wicked. It’s deceitful. Jeremiah 17:9 says this: “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?” My heart, left unchecked and apart from the restoring power of the Holy Spirit, can seduce me into justifying all sorts of wrong behavior.
So, what do we do? Is there hope for our hearts? How can we escape the claws of our selfish desires? This morning we’ll look at a story of a convert who made a surprising discovery about his own heart. Join us as we take a look in “ALL IN with my Heart.”
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