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"Thanksgiving In Pain" - 26m:10s
Series: Thanks In All ThingsScripture Reading: Luke 22:17-20
Thanksgiving in Times of Pain
After serving in ministry for several years, I began to realize something. For many, the holidays are a difficult time. While the festivities of the season are underway, there are some people who struggle to be present with the hope and joy of the holiday. It is hard to give thanks when this time of year reminds you of a loved one who is no longer there, a relationship that has ended, or a tragedy or another unfortunate circumstance in life. And yet, in keeping with our theme these last couple of weeks, I Thess. 5:18 still calls us to be thankful in all things. So, how can we give thanks in times of pain or hurt? Is it possible? There has to be something here that we could uncover. Join us this morning as we take a closer look at Jesus’ own pain, and how he was able to give thanks in the midst of suffering.
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