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Triggered: Recognizing What Gets Us
Series: How Do I Deal With TemptationScripture Reading: James 1:14-15
How Do I Deal with Temptation?
On the TV show "Hee Haw," Doc Campbell is confronted by a patient who says he broke his arm in two places. The doc replies, "Well then, stay out of them places!"
I’ve found Doc’s suggestion applicable to a lot of things, particularly temptation. One of the common issues people want to talk about to a minister is something they’re being tempted with, and what to do about it. I’ve thought a lot about this over the years—why do people get caught up in the stuff they do, and what can be done about it? This week, we’ll start a short series entitled: “How Do I Deal with Temptation?” We’ll look at how temptation happens, what it is, and how to deal with it. Join us this morning as we look at the first passage from James 1:14-15 entitled “Triggered: Recognizing What Gets Us.”
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