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Husbands and Wives Who Relate Intimately
Series: How to Have the Family You Always WantedScripture Reading: Mark 10:2-9
Familiarity or Intimacy?
Familiarity and intimacy are not the same. Each has a value in life, certainly in married life, but one is no substitute for the other. If one is confused for the other, we have the basis for major human and marital unrest. In marriage, familiarity is inescapable. It happens almost imperceptibly. Intimacy is usually hard to come by. It must be deliberately sought and opened up and responded to. Familiarity brings a degree of ease and comfort. Intimacy anxiously searches for deep understanding and personal appreciation.
—Gordon Lester, Homemade, Vol. 4, No. 11.
“‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two but one flesh.”
Mark 10:7-8
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