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Children Who Obey

Children Who Obey

Series: How to Have the Family You Always Wanted

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 6:1-4

Children Who Obey

As a parent of a toddler and infant, it seems like half of the conversations with my children involve trying to keep them focused on something they were told to do.  I know it’s not really that much of our conversations, but the emotional and mental energy spent on trying to make kids listen and obey often feels like that’s all you’re doing.  I know I’m not the only one.

Paul’s command to children in Ephesians 6 is simple: “Children, obey your parents.”  If only it were that easy! As a child, there are so many other more exciting things to do and explore when mom or dad says to get to the car because they’re ready to leave.  As a parent, there are so many other things you’d rather be doing than riding your kids about following through on cleaning their room, doing their chores, or helping their brother or sister.  It seems like it shouldn’t be that hard, should it?

This morning, we’ll look at the 4th element to having the family you always wanted: children who obey.  How do we as parents help our children obey? How should our children respond?  Join us as we look at Ephesians 6, and God’s instructions to children and parents.


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