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Slave or Child?
Series: Victory In ChristOur Inheritance
Most of us probably understand—or have experience with—an inheritance. A loved one dies—maybe a parent or close relative—and they leave a sum of money or possessions to their next of kin. It’s nice to have an inheritance. It can help pay off some debt, buy a newer vehicle, be put towards house projects or a down payment on buying a home. But, when the money’s gone it’s gone, right?
We don’t think a lot about it, but we also have a spiritual inheritance. Jesus’ death on the cross enables us now to be counted as God’s children. As His children, we are spiritual heirs—with all of the rights and privileges of being adopted into the family of God. The great part about this inheritance is that it never ends. The money never runs out, the benefits never expire—the privileges are eternal! Salvation is a gift that never ends. We’ll be praising our God for an eternity together because of this inheritance. I’m looking forward to this so much. Can you imagine?? Never ending praise. Never ending love. Never ending fellowship. A never ending inheritance.
-Scott McFarland