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Share Your Story
Series: To the Ends of the EarthCan I Get a Witness?
Most of us are familiar with the term “witness”—a person describing an event firsthand is considered a witness, a legal proceeding often requires witnesses, etc. The word actually shows up in Scripture, just not in a way we typically think of. The word for “martyr” actually means “witness.” The idea being, of course, that someone who dies for their faith witnesses or testifies to those who observe their death of the importance God that had in their life.
As we talked about sharing your story this morning, I couldn’t help but think of the ways in which we do this over the course of our lives, or even through our death. Through both how we live and also, God forbid, how we die, we testify or witness to others the importance of our faith. How would others see your life or death? Would they see it as a testimony, a witness, to God’s power and your devotion to Him?
If someone can’t see from the way we live and die that God is important to us, why would we ever expect or hope they would follow Him too? If God isn’t important enough to us to be noticed by other people observing our lives, we can’t be the kind of witnesses needed to share our faith with the world.
-Scott McFarland