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How Do I Become The Christan I Was? - Part 1
All of us deal with regret. It’s a part of life, unfortunately, and depending on your life choice, personality, years lived, etc., some of us deal with it more than others.
But, what if part of your regret is your current spiritual condition? What if it’s not what you didn’t do or should have done, but what you used to be and no longer are? What if you look at your life and think, “I was a better Christian ____ years ago.” Sometimes, regret can bury us. We can become so consumed with our pain and sorrow that we allow it to continue to write the story of our lives—we never leave the relationship, get rid of the sin, or bury the habit because we succumb to the thinking of, “this is just who I am now.”
God has a lot to say in his word about this sort of thing, but the first verse that pops into my head as I write this is Lamentations 3:22-24—“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. ‘The Lord is my portion,’ says my soul, ‘therefore I will hope in him.’” You need to know a few things: 1) God’s love for you, no matter what you did or where you are currently, never changes; 2) God’s mercy toward you and your repentance is ongoing.
There is never a ‘too late’ with God. Our chance to choose differently and allow God to bring us back to where we were last year, 5 years or 10 years ago is new every single day. Tomorrow is a new day. Don’t allow yourself to think, “This is just how it is.” Hope in God. Start over tomorrow.
-Scott McFarland