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Brave or Not
Series: The Gospel of MarkTalking and Walking
You can talk the talk, but can you walk the _______? Most of us could fill in the blank at the end of that sentence with “walk.” Practicing what you preach has become an invaluable tool in a modern world that values transparency and authenticity. If you say it, you must be able to live it also.
This morning, we’re looking at a prime example of failing to walk the talk. In the last hours of Jesus’ life, the disciples have unknowingly made some pretty bold statements—promising Jesus they would die with him, they would never leave him, and they would never deny him. Within a matter of hours, all these promises became meaningless as the disciples fled in the Garden as Jesus was arrested.
Instead of being critical, perhaps we should look inside of ourselves…would we have done the same? Do we have failures of our own where we make bold statements but fail to back them up? Does the world see in us a true disciple committed to living the words of Jesus, whatever the cost? Can we walk the talk?
-Scott McFarland