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The End?
Series: The Gospel of MarkThe End?
Mark 16:9-20
Thank You
Hopefully you were able to join us this morning in the fellowship building for our Teachers' Appreciation and Bible Class Promotions Breakfast this morning. We want to congratulate all of the students for their work in class this year and celebrate them as they move up to the next classes. At the same time, we honor our teachers for their dedication to helping educate our children and form them spiritually by teaching Bible class. There is no higher calling than to be a part of a child's spiritual development.
If you are reading this and you played a part in Bible classes this past year, THANK YOU!! Your effort and time spent investing in the children of this congregation is so appreciated. Our children are our future and the work to help them grow spiritually begins they day they are born. It takes more than parents and grandparents. It takes other adults surrounding them in a positive environment, giving them examples to follow, to help them become the young men and women God wants them to be. You have played a part in that.
If you re reading this and you haven't been involved in teaching Bible classes, why not now? What better way to spend your time on a Sunday morning than impacting a child's life for eternity? And men! I give you a challenge as well - jump in! Educating our children doesn't have to be (and shouldn't) solely dependent on our ladies. You too can give your valuable influence to a child's spiritual development.
Proverbs 22:6
~Scott McFarland