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The Abundant Life
Series: The Abundant LifeAbundant LIFE
Have you ever taken time to reflect on your life—where you are, where you’ve been and where you are going? If you have, are you satisfied with it? Is there anything lacking or missing?
In John 10:10, amid Jesus’ claim to be the Good Shepherd, He makes another statement: “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” It is easy to spiritualize this statement, making it all about heaven or some other-worldly existence. However, I don’t think that was only what Jesus was getting at, nor do I think it was what His hearers thought of when He said it. Certainly He had heaven and eternity in mind, but I don’t think it was all about heaven…
Do you have abundant life in Jesus? Not just later, in heaven, but now? If you can’t say yes, why not? I believe one of the beautiful things about the gospel is that it calls us back to the way of life that God originally created us to live. This way of living is healthier—it positively affects our relationships, our marriages, our children, our finances, our futures. Over the next few weeks, we will look at some of the ways we can have abundant life, here and now. I’m looking forward to this series! I hope you’ll join us and invite a friend.
-Scott McFarland