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Abundant Marriage
Series: The Abundant Life“Mawwaageee…is what bwings us togeda today…” If you’ve ever seen the movie The Princess Bride, you know exactly the scene. Beautiful church, gorgeous bride and groom, well dressed bridal party, and…a priest with a speech impediment to perform the “bwessed awangement.” I used that as an opener to a wedding one time. I got a mixed reaction, as you could probably imagine.
But seriously, marriage is what brings us together today. At least, it’s what the sermon is about. Marriage is tough. I don’t have to tell you that. One of the reasons it is tough is us! We are flawed, broken people living in a broken world. Our marriages are affected by this. There’s not a marriage in existence that isn’t somehow tainted by the sin of anger, jealousy, unfaithfulness, bitterness, loneliness, or…you name it. Sin manifests itself differently in everyone’s relationship, but sin manifests itself in everyone’s relationship.
Fortunately, But, God has a better way. As we continue our second lesson in the Abundant LIFE series, we’ll take a look at God’s design for marriage—how it preceded the Fall, how the Fall affected it, and how God plans to redeem it. I hope you are engaged this morning, especially if you are married. God’s design is for us to have an Abundant Marriage.
-Scott McFarland