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Dealing With Failure...A Tale of Two Disciples
Scripture: Luke 22:31-32
More…in ‘24
I was listening to the radio the other day and heard the announcer joke and say something about the motto for 2024 will be “More in ’24.” After the 2020 motto “2020 Vision” everyone was talking about around the New Year, I’m not really sure I want to know what “more in ‘24” really means.
All kidding aside, what do you want this year to be about? I know we talk about it every year, and maybe we even make some resolutions about it. What do you want 2024 to look like? We can’t determine the world events of the upcoming year, but we can make plans and determine a path we would like to take in the coming year.
I’d say if you talk to most people, they are looking for more: more joy, more purpose, more money, more time, more peace… The list goes on. Jesus says in John 10:10 that He came to give us ABUNDANT life, not just any kind of life. That kind of abundance doesn’t come by accident. Abundant life in Jesus is the result of intentional effort and pursuit of what is most important. Jesus also says in Matthew 6:33, “seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”
Abundant life—“more in ’24”—only comes as a result of pursuit of what is most important in life, the kingdom of God. It’s interesting that when we pursue God’s kingdom and righteousness, He promises to give us all the things we truly need. Isn’t that a comforting thought?