All Sermons
Romans 10:17
Preaching from the Bible alone.
We believe in the absolute authority of the Word of God and its ability to provide answers for everything we do in our doctrine and practice.
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When You Fail
Scott McFarland
07/31/22 Sermon
Future Uncertain
Steve Kenney
07/24/22 Sermon
Falsely Accused
Scott McFarland
07/17/22 Sermon
Brave or Not
Scott McFarland
07/10/22 Sermon
Wrestling With God
Scott McFarland
07/03/22 Sermon
Restored Communion
Scott McFarland
06/26/22 Sermon
In Memory of Her
Scott McFarland
06/19/22 Sermon
Wars & Rumors of Wars: Part 2
Scott McFarland
06/12/22 Sermon
Wars and Rumors of Wars: Part 1
Scott McFarland
06/05/22 Sermon
Going All In
Scott McFarland
05/29/22 Sermon
Who Is Christ?
Scott McFarland
05/22/22 Sermon
Listening & Doing
Jason Dougherty
05/15/22 Sermon