News & Announcements

News & Announcements

Magi Project

The mission of this project is to make a God impact on children in Honduras Dominican Republic, Romania, and Texas/Mexico. It is a box filled with a simple message of God’s love. The program allows Christians to experience the blessing of giving, while partnering together with local churches and enhancing opportunities in their communities to share the good news of Jesus Christ.

Suggested items are: Hygiene items like mild bar soap, tooth brush, (no shampoo or conditioner), toothpaste, comb, wash cloth, band aids (place in a plastic bag) and brushes.

Clothes: age appropriate size T shirt, ball caps, underwear, flip flops, caps, and dresses.

Candy: gum, individually wrapped hard candy (no chocolate), please pack in Ziploc bags.

The church will provide Bibles and containers to send gifts in. Feel free to send school supplies and personal notes, sun glasses, necklaces, earrings, toys, flashlights with batteries.  Do not send toy guns, knives, war-related items, perishable food items, medicines, used items, fragile items, mouth wash or nail polish remover.

If you are interested in helping with this years Magi Project please sign the sheet in the foyer. Thanks for all your compassion to help others.

Fishing At Broken Timber

On July 14, 2013 the family was invited to Broken Timber Outdoor Education Center following morning worship. The Joy Buses drove down and all the children were served food, taught safety fishing, and had a fishing contest at the pond. Broken Timber and the Ohio Division of Wildlife provided the fishing poles for ages 6 thru 16. There were a over 100 people and a total of 63 children in attendance and 88 or so fish were caught in 1.5 hours.  Thanks to all that helped.  May God be honored with your compassion to share the love of Jesus with others.

Upcoming/Special Events

Check out the Upcoming/Special Events.

India Church Building Progress

The work continues on the church building in India.  Follow the progress.

My Pop Is Tops Contest

Erica Brown won the "My pop is tops contest". All the children who wrote essays did a wonderful job. Their love and appreciation to fathers was more than words could describe. We fathers have an awesome responsibility to show our children that our Heavenly Father is always first in our lives and that personal connection between God and us is seen and heard by reading God's word, praying with our kids, bringing them to worship God and living a life that honors our Heavenly Father.

Happy Father's Day

We wish all the dads a Happy Father's Day. Each father has a responsibility to lead his child or children to the Lord. A child sees his dad reading the Bible. A father is a good example in speech and action toward his children. Children know if dad acts one way at home and another way at the church building. Good fathers discipline when needed. Jesus needs to shine in each father while at work or home.

We encourage our fathers to be the best you can, but we know that we are not perfect. Dads make mistakes and have bad days. Thank God that He forgives and lets pray that each dad continues to put God first in his life so they can be the spiritual leaders God intended them to be. To all the fathers we thank you for bringing your family to worship the one and only living God. Let's continue to train up our children in the way they should go. When it's all over, the only thing that count is your soul. Thank you dads for showing your family the importance of being at worship. Have a Happy Fathers Day!

Progress In India

The work continues on the church in India.  Please continue praying for this endeavor.  See the updated pictures of the work here.

A Father's Request

Lord, help me to be
A father in your sight,
Who trains his children
In what's wrong and right.

I know I can't do it
All on my own;
I am relying on You
To help me lead my home.

The Evil One will try
To steal their heart,
But with proper training
I pray they won't depart.

I want to be a father
Who is loving and true;
One who fully knows
He is accountable to You.

J.J. Turner

Will You Take The Garbage Out?

‘Garbage matter’ is a major problem in this country! There is so much of it the major cities scarcely know how to get rid of it. And what is the case nationwide is true on a much smaller scale in every household. It just seems to accumulate so rapidly. While we’d rather not have any of it in our houses at all, yet facing reality, it’s there. Thus, almost every husband has heard his wife say many times, "Honey, will you take the garbage out?" So he takes the garbage out to the curb and lets someone else deal with it.

What is a far greater problem in our country today, though, is ‘mental garbage! And facing reality, there is such an avalanche of it that it is becoming almost impossible to keep it all out of our minds. This present world is so filled with spiritual contaminates and pollutants that it is unbelievable. In that regard, we indeed live in dangerous times! There is so much evil extant, and Satan is such a master of deception (Revelation 12:9), that he manages to get some of his garbage into our minds without our even realizing it. He can, with all his devices (2 Corinthians 2:11), dupe us, and seduce us from God, if we are not extremely careful! He can entice people to feast on spiritual garbage, instead of casting it out.

In particular, I make reference to what people (1) see, (2) hear, and (3) read. First, let us note what people see... so many of the movies (and television programs also!) are saturated with lascivious content. Lasciviousness is "that which tends to produce lewd emotions." And certainly the same is true in the matter of sexually oriented/pornographic magazines. Such ‘junk’ is nothing but mental garbage! Read what the apostle Paul said about it in Galatians 5:19-21. And yet, many Christians falter in this matter of carelessness in what is viewed.

Second, many teenagers and young adults listen to more ‘garbage’ masquerading under the guise of music. So much ‘noise’ is highly suggestive and often specific...a verbal exercise in degeneracy! Add to this the constant barrage of vulgarities, obscenities, and curse words used so openly in our society, and you can readily see that large doses of ‘mental garbage’ are tossed into people’s minds every day.

Third, the sale of trashy, sex dominated novels is a billion dollar industry in our country. Add to that what can be read in most any of the magazines that are displayed in grocery stores, drug stores, etc. Folks who should know better purchase this garbage for mental consumption.

Every Christian family unit and/or every individual Christian needs to sit down and make a determination "to take the garbage out!" The Bible tells us: "Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life" (Proverbs 4:23). It also tells us: "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honorable, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things" (Philippians 4:8).

Will you take the garbage out? This is something each of us must deal with personally. We can’t shift the responsibility. Let’s clean up our minds and hearts and get rid of the garbage as best we possibly can, and keep it out!!!

Recipe For A Happy Day

Take a little dash of cold water,
A little leaven of prayer,
A little bit of sunshine gold
Dissolved in morning air.

Add to your meal some merriment,
Add thought for kith and kin,
And then as prime ingredient,
A-plenty of work thrown in.

Flavor it all with essence of love
And a little dash of play;
Let the dear old Book, and a glance above,
Complete the well-spent day.

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