News & Announcements

News & Announcements

I Attend the Sunday Evening Assemblies Because:

1. I want to go, and I am wanted.

2. I need to go, and I am needed.

3. I had rather be there than anywhere else.

4. My children are watching me and will follow my example.

5. My soul is strengthened by the teaching.

6. My heart is warmed by the spiritual songs as I praise Him above.

7. I am better prepared to meet in discussion those who do not understand the truth.

8. I hunger and thirst after righteousness.


~via The Meadowlark Message

Fort Collins, CO

Youth Camp Donations

Along with the commodities request (list posted in the foyer) for camp this year, we are asking each congregation to consider a cash donation.  All commodity and cash donations are very much appreciated.  All cash donations can be made by check to:  Ohio Valley Christian Youth Camp.  Address: c/o Melcie Wells, 535 Lang Farm Road, Marietta, OH 45750.  Commodities will be picked up around June 2nd.

Rules For Daily Life

World Bible School Report

As I write this....They at World Bible School have just concluded six days of prayer and planning framed by the 2012- 2016 Strategic Plan . Ron Pottsberg from Colorado. . Rick Sure from Kentucky , Pat Brown from Oklahoma. And Jonathin Towell from Lubbock flew in to meet with those of us who office at Cedar Park in Texas. We remind ourselves to be open to change by God. He is perfect: we are not. He is The Potter, we are the clay . We want to remain moldable   and yielding to his touch...." Repentance” - the life-changing decision to follow God instead of self. Daily we re-lift that Cross . Every day W.B.S lessons reach near and far dispelling ignorance and urging that commitment.  

"In the past God overlooked such ignorance , but now He commands all people everywhere to to repent . For he has set a day when He will judge the world with justice by the Man He appointed . He has given proof of this to all men by raising Him from the Dead." (Acts 17:30-31).

Ambassadors like Paul carry that command to Athens. Today God “commands all people" through us-- who turn from selfish agendas to obey His "Great Commission" . But have our lives changed ? . . Are we consumed with living and sharing His Word?  Or are we comfortably insulated?  We enjoy each other . But take time and effort to teach others?

Every 30 seconds someone new comes to W.B.S. asking to be taught the Bible.   We urgently need you to take at least a few students . Does  that open doors intrigue you and excite you? After all B this is not about creating interest. These Souls take the initiative to contact us specifically for Bible study.   

True , some who apply dropout- which so discourages some is teachers that they quit, too. Perhaps they forget that we must encounter "poor soil " to find "good soil" hearts. Are we more attuned to microwave conveniences than patient seed-sowing? If we dislike some detail in a method, do we disdain it ? My response is the point is not W.B.S., but reaching people. How many come to you to learn the Bible?. How many much Gospel seeds do you sow ? How many turn to Jesus ?

Change includes being open to greater effectiveness . To the prospective programmer. It has been said at W.B.S. the only "sacred cow" should be the gospel itself . Besides the inspired scriptures, all else should be subject to review and . improvement.. . Unfaithful servants return their talents unchanged. . Faithful servants invest for growth., Problems and opportunities demand creative solutions.

W.B.S. 40th anniversary remembers solid foundations and adopts to a changing world . . While we honor founders, we also envision an exciting next stage  (hence the six days) If you think of W.B.S. as old or irrelevant , please look again". W.B.S teachers whose little team is amazing.  Their conversions were not at Pentecost or in the 1950s. They involved 2,000 confirmed baptisms in 2012.. Internet serves the cutting edge of EVANGELISM. . Local and globally... both call for changed . . attitudes. . and genuine repentance- whether from the student or the reader of this editorial...

For World Bible School

Brady E. Smith - Deacon


A Preacher's Ponderings

Check out the new section on the website:  A Preacher's Ponderings.

On this new page you will receive weekly commentary and insight from Charles Schultheisz, our Pulpit Minister.  He is also posting a weekly Bible trivia question to members.  The first member to answer correctly receives a Woodsfield Church of Christ stress ball.  You can try the trivia here.

Here is a snippet from "A Preacher's Ponderings" this week.

...You’ve probably experienced that moment in your daily Bible reading when a certain verse or set of verses causes you to stop reading and just soak in what’s actually being said.

While reading the letter to Philemon yesterday this happened to me first at verse six:
“I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.”...

Upcoming Events

Check out the Upcoming/Special Events at the church.  Click here.

The Living Word

Hebrews 4:12

God’s word may be called the "living word" because it is able both to bring to life, and to sustain the life of, those who receive it.

This life-producing influence of the word may be exerted through several channels. The written word itself, housed in the book we call the Bible, has the power both to convict and to convert those who read and respond in obedience to its instruction. It contains information which can make us "wise unto salvation.”

“Salvation,” however, must not be thought of as merely a state of forgiveness. Salvation is a maturing relationship with God, something we’re instructed to "work out." It’s a transformation that is evidence of the word of God living in us. lt is a living condition in Which the word has been translated into the language of changed hearts and lives of those who have received it.

Indeed, some may merely read the Bible and discover the solutions to their problems. Others may be persuaded by the preaching of the word. But the lost world needs to see the power of the gospel displayed clearly in the love, joy, peace, and sureness of purpose that characterizes those who have been recipients of this Good News, and whose quality of life is a reflection of its transforming power! Jesus didn’t just come to SPEAK the word. He came AS the LIVING WORD of God! All the blessings of the term "gospel" are perfectly embodied in Him.

So it should be with those who claim to be His disciples. The changed lives of saved sinners is the translation of the Bible that the watching world is most likely to read, and believe.

May God help us to become His "living epistles!" That’s what it means to "adorn the doctrine" and to "live a life worthy of your calling."

Church & Christ

Visitation Facts To Know About Christ
V - italizes the work of the church
I - ncreases the attendance
S - ecures more cooperation
I - nspires regular attendance
T - rains for greater service
A - ffords soul winning opportunities
T - ypifies the life of Christ in His people
I - nsures a better fellowship
O - pens the doors of new homes
N - urtures friendliness and good will
~With God in creation (Genesis 1:26-27)
~Promised to the world (Genesis 3:15)
rn of a virgin (Matthew 1:21-25)
~Performed miracles (John 20:30-31).
~Died on the cross (Romans 5:8)
~Ascended to heaven (
Acts 1:9)
~Brought the gospel (Romans 1:16)
~Built the church (Matthew 16:18)
~Became the Saviour (Ephesians 5:23)
~Head of the church (Colossians 1:18)
~Is the way to heaven (John 14:6)
~Will serve as judge (Acts 17:31)


Faith In Action

We are looking for a volunteers for Faith In Action 2013.  If you would like to volunteer, you can sign up via the website. Thanks in advance.

The Family of God

God is family·oriented! The home was His first institution designed to provide for the social needs of humanity. And when He brought forth His eternal purpose of an intimate universal fellowship, it was again within the framework of family; He established the church, the Family of God.

The church, in some measure, can compensate for the personal deprivation that has resulted from the mismanagement of our natural families. But the family of God was not created primarily for compensation. Our relationship to one another as children of God is intended to fulfill even deeper needs than can be satisfied in the very best of natural relationships. And as long as the Holy Spirit rules as our shared motivation and as the functional standard of our attitudes and behavior, those intense needs will be met in a loving, caring, mutually supportive fellowship.

The fullest blessing is realized when our natural family is also our spiritual family. But when that isn’t possible, God is still able to satisfy our longing for family security through the brothers and sisters He has given us in the church.

If you’re a child of God, don’t neglect the wonderful opportunities of family life! Commit yourself to really BELONGING to the family! Learn to know those with whom you share life’s most precious interests and hopes! Draw close to them for warmth and nourishment. Take full advantage of opportunities for comfort and encouragement. Share in the family’s joys, sorrows, and dreams. Love the family. Defend it, depend on it, serve in it, be a part of it!

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