News & Announcements

News & Announcements

V.B.S. Thank You

It’s all about the numbers (jk, former math teacher).  My heart cannot express the gratitude it feels for: 

 1 amazing adult class teacher
2 technicians 
3 stage cast members & impersonators
4 cradle roll keepers & crafty cooks
5 classroom leaders
6 (and more) incredible gamers
7 official greeters
11 behind the scenes doers
45 additional helpers and workers
50 adult attenders
75 amazing children and 100’s of prayers
1,000’s of generous donations

And most importantly,
An infinite God that blessed our church beyond measure!

Love each and every ONE of you,

Vacation Bible School Update

Each evening of VBS, there will be a parenting class in the auditorium from 6-7:30pm.  We will be using a video series called "Engage:  Navigating Parenting in a Social Media Age" with Kirk Cameron.  Come join us and invite a friend!

There will be a friendly class competition for Vacation Bible School.  Each night of VBS, the children are asked to bring an item for the M.A.G.I. project.

Sunday:  Coloring Book Ages 2-7
Monday:  Children's flip flops
Tuesday:  Matchbox cars & trucks
Wednesday:  Jump ropes

Thank You

Thank you so much for the beautiful flowers on Mother’s Day. Your loving kindness meant so much to me. May we all look to Jesus and follow what he has taught us. Remember John 3:16 and be immersed. Let this be the journey of your soul.


Love from, Doris Ady

Mission Support Thank You

This is my first trip to South America. I was in Africa in the past. This is my first time trying to get funding. Your donation has really eased my mind on making this trip. I have a lot to learn, and I want to Thank You. Your prayers are appreciated, and I know that God will be with us. Your assistance is making it possible for me and for the work of the Lord to take place. Please note that any funds that raised over the $3,500 will be utilized in the Guyana Fund.


             Thank You, Jeff Thompson

M.A.G.I. Box - Thank You

Thank you to everyone who donated items and/or helped pack the M.A.G.I boxes on Wednesday (05/04/22) night. It was the largest attendance to Feed the Flock to date. We also had several volunteers willing to pack the M.A.G.I boxes with the items donated throughout the last year by many of you. You met the goal of 100 boxes, and they will be delivered to the Whitehall Church of Christ later this month. Whitehall will ensure they get delivered to the children. Paul said in Acts 20: 35, “In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.” I know everyone was blessed on Wednesday night.

Hearing Devices

There are hearing devices available for anyone who would like to use them. They are in the back of the church on the wall. If you have any issues with them, please see Butch Lallathin.

Mission Support

The church is sending $1,00.00 in mission support to Jeff Thompson for mission work in Guyana.

We are also sending financial support to The Christian Chronicle.

Miami Valley Bible Bowl

Miami Valley Bible Bowl is an annual event in which students in grades 4-12 compete in a friendly, faith-affirming two-day Bible Bowl. The books they will be studying are James & Hebrews. If you are interested in joining the Bible Bowl team for Spring 2023, please sign up on the sheet in the foyer.

Giving to Ukraine

If individuals are interested in donating directly to Ukrainian refugees, the Cassel Hills Church of Christ in Vandalia, OH is collecting funds.  Their minister, David Edmonds, has family in Ukraine and will be leading the disbursement of funds appropriately.  Their address is: Cassel Hills Church of Christ, 836 S Brown School Rd., Vandalia, OH 45377.  If writing a check, please put "Ukraine" in the memo line.  If giving online, go to their website at and click the blue circle on the bottom right corner of the screen entitled "Give."  Follow the prompts and select "Ukraine Missions" as your giving category.  Thank you for your heart for the people of Ukraine.

M.A.G.I. Box Donation - March

Hard Candy (NO chocolate or Jolly Rancher because of melting issues), Nutrition Bars

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