News & Announcements
This year has been a bad-news barrage, but we have something GREAT to share: Your efforts, along with other area congregations, filled 2,070 boxes for children in Honduras! This all because of your willingness to share your blessings with those less fortunate. We cannot THANK YOU enough for contributions to this important work.
The M.A.G.I. Team at Whitehall Church of Christ
We Are Open with Precautions
At this time we are conducting Sunday AM Service at 10 am in the auditorium. At the same time, we are having our Bible Hour in the Fellowship building.
We are still Livestreaming our service on Facebook. We also Livestream our Wednesday devotional on FB as well.
Fellowship Building Update
Electric lines have been buried under the ground and concrete has been poured for the expansion of the rest rooms. Dry wall has been installed. Many decisions are being made and we are blessed to have a crew of Deacons who help see that everything is running smoothly. Our goal is to have everything finished so we can have more space for fellowships and provide a great spiritual children's worship every Sunday morning. Thank you for your prayers, money and patience as we strive for the goal line. When we finish the project, the family will be starting a Sunday morning Bible Class before worship.
Blessings In A Backpack
The family at Woodsfield Church of Christ reached out to help 250 families in our school district. These 5 elementary schools in Switzerland of Ohio Local School District will see that children who need food on the weekends will be ministered to. Let's pray for those in need of food and reach out in love to help.
Joy Bus/Fellowship Building News
The Joy Bus Ministry will be cancelling the Bus Breakfast until the new addition is finished. We will miss the delicious meals, but we will look forward to having them again when things are finished. Thank you very much for your talents and support of the Joy Bus Ministry.
The children's worship went well last Sunday, and we will continue to meet in the Fellowship Building each Sunday morning until further notice.
The addition to the Fellowship Building has started and the deacons are working hard seeing everything runs smoothly. We thank God for these men and their love to serve God and the church.
The family is to be commended for their sacrifice to help build the addition to the Fellowship Building. On September 30th, the opportunity to help with the cost will be given to the church family. We appreciate anything your heart can give as we strive to help God's family grow.
Bus Route Captain
The Joy Bus brought in 10 souls under the sound of the Gospel last week. We thank God for the volunteers who work this ministry. We ask the family for anyone willing to serve as a captain on a bus route in Woodsfield. if you are interested in joy Bus evangelism, contact Brother Keith Jones and he will explain the captain's responsibility.
Community Outreach
The community has responded to the good work of the Woodsfield Church of Christ. The work day in June 12th was admired by the public watching how a Christian family works together and gets big things done.
On June 14th, Arbors Care Center went fishing and the word of love and kindness spread through Monroe County. there are different ways to evangelize and using the great outdoors God has blessed us with can and will provide opportunities to share God's Word with the community.
We thank the family for your compassion and talents to help our community.
Covenant Christian Academy
It's hard to believe that Covenant Christian Academy is finishing it's third year. God has blessed us far beyond what we ever dreamed. We now offer grades kindergarten 4 year olds through eighth grade. Our 501c3 status is pending and our accreditation process is almost complete. We are renovation our third building for more space. Lord willing, it will be done in the fall.
Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support.
Thank You!
Thank you so much for your gracious and generous gift of partnership in the mission effort in Costa Rica. The 5 day Gospel Meeting part saw one brother restored and 14 requests for prayer. The door knocking and canvassing saw one baptism and six very promising Bible studies were conducted and are being followed up by the local brethren.
One serendipitous by product of the campaign was a big leap of fellowship among brethren from El Salvador, Nicaragua, Romani, and other parts of Costa Rica as well as us five "gringos".
Many had never met one another, but while worshiping together made plans for more cooperation on future campaigns.
We praise God how He has used us to bring about this great thing!
Blessings to you,
Jeff Rich