News & Announcements
Get A Life
As the owner of a Craftsman push lawnmower, I received a notice that the company was being sued. The letter indicated that I had the option to choose against participating in a class action lawsuit. Normally, I don't waste my time with this kind of foolishness, but something caused me to read a little further. Come to find out, some guy in middle America realized that the motor on his mower was not as fuel efficient as it was advertised to be. The company says you can mow for such and such amount of time on a tank of gas, while in actuality, at least according to the accusation, you get less time out of a tank.
I don‘t know about you, but I'm thinking that life is way too short, and time way too valuable to be analyzing how much gasoline my little push mower actually uses. Who in the world has the time, the money, and the mental energy to pursue these frivolous fights and litigations? The things that make people angry, the things that people worry themselves over - it just makes you want to shout, "Get a life!"
I think of God wanting to create a giant bullhorn and shouting this to the entire planet.
Brothers and sisters, let's distinguish ourselves from the world. We have a life - a life in Christ Jesus. Let's act like it. If we're going to fight, let's fight over something worth lighting for. Let's fight to keep our marriages together, to keep our children interested in the church, to keep Satan out of our hearts. If we're going to stress, let's stress over something that may actually matter in the end. Maybe you should stress over how much your neighbor knows about God, or how you could be a better Christian example at work, or how you‘re going to approach a lost loved one about his soul.
What must God be thinking when he sees us mad because our name was misspelled on the "Anniversaries and Birthdays" list, or when he hears me constantly complaining that church services aren't starting on time and are running too late? If he spoke aloud these days what would he say to those threatening to quit the church because they didn't get as many cards sent their way as other members have? He'd probably say..."Get a life."
Luke 10:41-42
Children's Bible Class Schedule Beginning August 12
Cradle Roll | 6 Months to 2 Year Old |
Beginner | 3 & 4 Year Old |
Primary | 5 Year Old to 1st Grade |
Intermediate | 2nd & 3rd Grade |
Advanced | 4th, 5th & 6th Grade |
Teen | 7th to 12th Grade |
Bible Vs. Cell Phone
Ever wonder what we would happen if we treated our Bible like we treat our cell phone?
What if we carried it around in our purse or our pockets?
What if we flipped through it several times a day?
What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?
What if we used it to receive messages from the text?
What if we treated it like we couldn’t live without it?
What if we gave it to kids as gifts?
What if we used it when we traveled?
What if we used it in case of emergency?
This is something to make you go...hmm...where is my Bible?
Oh, and unlike our cell phone, we don’t have to worry about our Bible being disconnected, because Jesus already paid the bill.
Make you stop and think, where are my priorities?
P.S. the Bible has no dropped calls!
Real World This Way
As we continue this morning (5/24/15) our tradition of recognizing and honoring our graduating seniors, I am reminded that this is as fine a youth group as I have had the privilege of ministering to, and with. The commitment and sacrifices of your parents are obvious. They work hard to bring you up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
I suspect it must frustrate you at times when you hear us adults ranting about what life will be like "when you have to grow up and enter the real world." The world you have been living in I'm sure feels very real! You have faced temptations and trials and your share of rough days. Good parenting and a genuine commitment to the Lord have made some of you mature beyond your years. But allow me to remind you...the world will get even more real. The devil is real, and if you don't already know this, it IS his world.
I want you to know that prayers are being lifted up to the Father on our behalf. May God help you find a career that brings you real joy. May He lead you to a spouse who shares your interest in spiritual matters. May He grant you the strength and courage and fortitude to be leaders and servants in his kingdom. May the world see the beauty of Jesus in you.
I beg of you to remember and keep in your heart that the word of God contains the answers to all of life's questions. If you love it, cherish it, and live it, the devil will be kept at bay. It will you keep you pure (read Psalm 119:9). And remember that wherever you go, whatever you do, God will be with you. Lean on him, trust in him, give to him your cares and burdens. He wants them. He will save you.
I command you -- be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. " Joshua 1:9 may not see it now. But you will. You will understand what we meant by "the real world." And you will have made it a better world.
~Charles Schultheisz, Woodsfield, OH
JOY Bus Route
We will be running two Joy buses in the Woodsfield area. If you know of any prospects that would want to ride to worship services Sunday morning, contact the office at 740-472-5321. We appreciate the workers who serve in this Ministry and pray that the Ministry will grow in souls being baptized and saved. Our challenge to the church family is to watch the streets of Woodsfield and look for potential riders. Please call in their names, address and phone # if you can and we will make a visit to see if God's Bible School on wheels can bring them under the sound of the God's Word. Your love to win souls can make a difference with just one phone call. Let’s do what we can to fulfill the great commission and go into the world and preach the gospel.
Proud To Be Adopted
Every once in a great while a well·meaning person will ask my wife and I why we did not pursue adoption more aggressively. The answer is at the same time simple and complex, deeply personal, yet matter-of-fact. Part of the answer is that, quite frankly, we were scared to death to adopt. We knew adoption was a good thing. We had read of countless positive, uplifting, encouraging adoption stories. But of the dozens and dozens of families we encountered in person, the negative experiences far outnumbered the positive. Three mothers have told us directly, "It's the biggest mistake I've ever made in my life." One mother said, "If I could figure out a way to give him back, I would." Adopted children have told us of their obsession with finding their "real" mom and dad to the point of alienating the parents who actually raised them and provided so much. for them. With all the intimidating stories involving parents who had no business adopting and children who never could come to terms with it — we just couldn't go through with it.
But thankfully God could! You see, actually, I myself am adopted. If you are a baptized believer you are too. Take a look at Ephesians 1:5, Romans 8:15, and Galatians 4:4-7. Fact is, the message of salvation was intended for the descendants of Abraham, God's original children. But they rejected his message, so he offered it to us Gentiles. We are not natural children. We are adopted. Paul says we are "branches from a wild olive tree, having been grafted into the cultivated tree" (Romans 11:17).
Aren't you glad God wasn't afraid to be an adoptive father? A parent reminded us once, "Well, if you do choose to pursue this, remember, the child you get will come with a whole lot of issues." Thank you Lord, for accepting me with all my issues. You knew I would be at times a troublesome son. You knew I could be ungrateful, unfaithful, and at times downright hateful toward you. But you still chose to take me out of that spiritual orphanage which is the world. You love me and provide for me.
And this can only happen because of the greatest adoptee in the history of adoption. Jesus Christ himself was an adopted child. He did not belong to Joseph. He belonged to no earthly man. But Joseph excepted him as his own, he loved him and provided for him. And in turn, Jesus loved and respected his earthly father (Luke 2:51-52). He was in fact the ultimate perfect child. Never a disrespectful word or thought - sinless. And through that sinlessness, that perfection, and that terribly unfair death on the cross, his father in Heaven was able to accept me into the family.
Won‘t you become a Christian today? Allow God to adopt you. Allow him to be the father you so desperately need.
Good News
Good News
From the Preacher's Pen
Nicholas Smith, aged 21, died in the early morning hours of last Saturday, March 7, 2015. You didn't know Nicholas. For that matter, I didn't know him either. I just moments ago learned of his passing through an email sent by the coordinator of the Harding University Alumni Association.
He was a Youth and Family Ministry major and had chosen to spend his spring break in Syracuse, New York on a mission trip. There were three cars in the caravan traveling from Searcy, Arkansas to Syracuse all filled with Harding students going to work with the Wetzel Road church of Christ. A multi·car accident occurred near Louisville, Kentucky on Interstate 71 , during which the car Nicholas was driving became crushed between two semi tractor-trailers. The others in his car survived but are recovering in local hospitals.
Everyday we hear or read about the passing of strangers. Most of time time we might give it a "Hmm,"then we move on with our day. This news however caused me to pause and reflect.
First of all, It reminded me of how much I should be appreciating life. You see, as a Harding Student years ago, I traveled that same route taken by Nicholas more times than I can remember. My childhood friend, Rich Mason and I were often hitting that section of Interstate 71 about the same time of the morning as Mr. Smith's caravan. By one o'clock in the morning we too were tired and had our share of close calls. Was it luck or divine intervention that preserved us? Only the Lord knows. Either way, I realize that life is a gift, and should be appreciated every day!
Furthermore, I take pause in thinking about the purpose of young Mr. Smith‘s travels last Saturday - a bible mission trip to New York. You just don‘t hear of too many college students going NORTH to the cold and snow for their Spring Break. And you never hear of one using Spring Break as an evangelistic opportunity. This is what makes establishments of Christian education unique - the quality of people to whom they appeal. I've heard all the complaints about Harding, Ohio Valley University, Lipscomb, and the like —- too expensive, too aloof, too far away, not secularly influential enough. But I am recalling so many names and faces of young people with whom I had the privilege of walking the campus — young folks similar to Nicholas Smith, who loved the Lord and were committed to serving him and telling the world about him. Say what you will, Christian colleges are unique and wonderful places that have changed many a life for the better.
And then I took a moment trying to wrap my mind around this. Here‘s a young man with his whole life ahead of him. He chose Christian education. He chose ministry as a career. He chose to serve God at a time when most his age choose to serve Satan, and yet God allowed him to be killed on his way to serve! I was having a hard time digesting how and why this could happen. Maybe the Devil knew about all the good that was about to be done in New York and was working hard to stop it. Maybe someone made a sudden, and foolish decision with which God chose not to interfere. Maybe God was just ready for Nicholas to be home. Maybe God used this tragedy to draw some of his children together.
As I read the report, I learned that Bruce McClarty, president of Harding, along with several administrators, flew to Louisville to be at those hospitals and to be with Nicholas' family. Folks from multiple congregations have converged on the area to lend support and pray with the families. Dr. McClarty reported that he overheard several folks say," The body of Christ is here today." Maybe God wanted someone in Louisville, Kentucky to see the Body of Christ come together.
I didn't know you, Nicholas Smith, but I thank you for your devotion to our wonderful Father, for what you were trying to do, and I look forward to meeting you someday, for the first time, on the other side.
~Charles Schultheisz - March 15, 2015
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