News & Announcements
Bible Sticks
We have set a goal of $2500 to buy 100 Bible Sticks for our troops. The family has given $5,180. Thank you church for your giving.
Virtual Library
Attention Website Members: Check out the free virtual library. Just log in to the member's section and click on Virtual Library.
See the demo here.
Good News
The new Joybus garage is going up. Again we thank God and the people He uses to help win souls. This facility will help keep the Bible School on wheels protected from the harsh elements of weather through the years. God is so good to this family and we want to continue to bring souls under the sound of the Gospel so that God’s powerful Word can change lives and all Glory and Praise be given to the king of kings and Lord of Lords. Pray for the Joybus Ministry as we knock doors and look for open hearts to receive the kindness of Jesus Christ.
"Come follow me, and I will make you fishers of men" Jesus said, Matthew 4:19. The command is to follow Christ and win souls. The Joybus Ministry is one way this family reaches out into the community to fish for souls. Your prayers, giving and sacrifice to achieve this goal is greatly appreciated by this family. This ministry greatly effects Education, Bldg. & Grounds, Children’s Worship, Benevolence, Finances, Fellowship, Youth and local Mission. Let’s seek and save the lost thru Joybus evangelism in 2016. Jude 23, "snatch others from the fire and save them."
Year End Thoughts
Our thanks to the volunteers who helped the Bible Hour children worship last Sunday. The children looked great in their costumes as they acted out the story from Luke 1:5 - 2:39, Matt. 1,2. Mary, Joseph, wise men, shepherds and angels were all showing their love for the birth of Jesus. The children went home that day understanding that Jesus is more important than anything.
As we bring the New Year in, let us give thanks for all the Blessings God has given the Woodsfield Church of Christ. 2016 is the beginning of new spiritual goals. The church. will grow if each one of us does our part in encouraging others to come and stay faithful.
Please pray for the Elders & Deacons as they look to God for wisdom in setting the family's budget for 2016. May Gods work continue to grow.
The family at Woodsfield has been blessed to have Chuck and Shannon minister to us these last few years. God has used Chuck's talents to teach the Bible in a way that we all could understand and be challenged in.
Chuck has encouraged us to read for our own understanding and has explained a lot of history and facts of the way it was and how it should be. I thank God for his Word but I also thank God for a man that can show us plainly what is tradition and what is the Words of God. Tradition can be good and lead you down the right pathway but man make traditions are not God's law.
We wish the best for Chuck & Shannon. I have always said that we want the Schultheisz' to be happy where ever they go or whatever they do, may their hearts be filled with joy & happiness. Our prayers are that they can find a job that will bring the satisfaction they deserve. This church loves Chuck & Shannon and will always be thankful to God for the time they served here.
The family now is praying for God to send another great pulpit minister to us. We know God has the man and we are longing for their arrival. The family needs to pray everyday for God to bring that man & family to us. God has never let us down and the Elders don’t know who that family is right now but God does and when God is ready He will let us all know. So keep on praying and be patient as we wait on the Lord’s decision.
48 gifts were delivered to children in our community, Their faces lit up when your gift arrived. Every Sunday the gift of Jesus Christ is given to these little ones. The family at Woodsfield needs to be commended for their love & compassion to help those who come under the sound of the Gospel. Your gift of love can change a child for a day but the gift of teaching them about our Savior will change them for eternity.
Thank you church for your gift this year.
31 Day Challenge
January 2016
31 Day Challenge
Feel free to pick and choose what order you want to do these challenges.
1 Pray for a minister.
2 Pray for Elder Bob Burrow and his work here.
3 Pray for Elder Keith Jones and his work here.
4 Pray for Elder Bob Kenney and his work here.
5 Pray for Elder Duane Landefeld and his work here.
6 Visit a member older than you.
7 Visit a member younger than you.
8 Send a get well card.
9 Write a note to one of the deacons and thank him for all his hard work.
10 Tell some child under the age of 10 why you think they are so special.
11 Hold a door open for someone today;
12 Drop a contribution in the box in the foyer to help with a need.
13 Do an unexpected act of kindness for someone.
14 Buy someone a coffee or soda.
15 Call someone and ask if there is something you can pray about for them.
16 Pay someone a compliment.
17 Give a smile away.
18 Drink only water today and remember that we are to hunger and thirst after righteousness.
19 Share a scripture with someone.
20 Thank someone for encouraging you in your faith.
21 Pray for a member that isn’t related to you.
22 Write out a scripture card and share it with another member.
23 Send a thinking of you card to another member.
24 Write out a scripture 5 times and pray about it.
25 Thank God for 5 blessings you’ve received.
26 Praise God for 5 of his characteristics.
27 Read at least one chapter of any book in the Bible.
28 Tell a teenager why they are special to you.
29 Visit someone in the nursing home. ·
30 Invite someone to your home.
31 Pray for CCA Covenant Christian Academy or send them a card of encouragement.
A Lasting Gift
In an effort to lighten the load of this upcoming cross country journey, I have been going through my possessions, a.k.a., junk, to see what could be sold, given away, or pitched in the dumpster. I've come to the realization that a guy probably doesn't really need fifteen tackleboxes and thirty rod and reel combos. One I tacklebox, however, is definitely making the trip. It's made every trip of my life since 1982.
Not many forty-somethings can boast (or are willing to admit publicly) that they are still using their childhood Christmas presents. We eventually break the toys, outgrow the clothes, lose all the pieces of the games, and watch Mom put the rest of it in the summer yard sale. If you do have them still, they are probably in a trunk up in the attic or in a display case in the man cave, only to be looked at, not touched But for some strange reason, I never outgrew this tacklebox. It doesn't sit in a display case to be reminisced about. lt actually has a custom-made spot in the front of the boat and is full of catfish hooks and sinkers; a rare Christmas treasure still used and cherished decades alter it was first unwrapped.
It is not, though, the‘most cherished gift given by my parents. Long before I ever started ripping the wrapping paper on that Christmas morning, I had received the gift of the knowledge of Jesus Christ. His life was told to me. His book was read to me. His church was made the center of my young life. I will never outgrow it. I will never lose it. It will never be out of style. Long long after that tacklebox has melted along with everything else in this material world, I will cherish that wonderful spiritual gift! .
I cannot imagine the joy you must experience as a parent watching those little hands cling to that toy they so eagerly had begged Santa for, or watching those innocent eyes sparkle as they rip the paper from the box. That after all, is why you withstood those ridiculous lines on Black Friday, put up with the crowds at the dollar store, and spent the money that you really didn’t have to spend. And while it certainly is not my place to burst the Christmas bubble, I beg of you to remember that compared to the spiritual gifts you could be giving your kids, it's all junk. In fact, Paul once wrote that compared to God's blessings, all this material stuff is just manure.
It costs you nothing but your time to read the Bible to, and with your children. A couple bucks worth of gasoline will get them to the church building for Bible class. Letting them see you act and talk like Jesus doesn't put you in debt. Small prices to pay indeed for a gift that will benefit them for the rest of their existence.
Proverbs 22:6
~Charles Schultheisz
Woodsfield. OH
Volunteers Needed
The children's bus ministry needs new volunteers and leaders. Ideas for new events and programs would be greatly appreciated. We are hoping 2016 will be a great experience. Please let Keith know if you are willing to help. Thanks.
Not Real Cheese
I thought maybe some honey on my biscuit would taste good, so I went back up to the counter and requested a packet. One bite in, and I realized this may not be "real" honey. So I read the ingredients list on the backside. Then I read the ingredient list on the butter packet, followed by the small packet of lemon juice I had just poured into my tea. Suddenly, it hit me -- no wonder we are facing an epidemic of diabetes. No wonder so many of our children struggle with weight-related health issues. The honey wasn't honey. It was "honey sauce", whatever that's supposed to be. Honey was number four on the ingredients list, if that tells you anything, preceded by high fructose corn syrup, regular com syrup, and sugar. The butter wasn't real butter. It too was "butter sauce." I don't even want to know what it's ingredients are. The lemon packet clearly stated that it contained "no lemon." The cheese was actually called "cheese product" and contained no dairy.
Obviously food manufacturers and many restaurateurs couldn‘t care less how good the food is for you. The don't even care if it's real food. And like pigs at a trough we just keep lapping it up, while they are more than happy to accommodate us. Why do we do it? Because as long as it's cheap, convenient, tastes good, and doesn't kill us immediately, we don't care what it's made of. Sadly, I'm afraid many of us are someday going to be elderly folks really paying the price for all this cheap, fake food we've been injecting into our bodies.
What's more sad though is the price some will pay for trying to feed God fake Christianity. When God examines you today, does he find real Christianity, or more like a "Christianity product"? Is it real faith, or just a "faith-like sauce"? Does your church-going and your Christian lineage present a nice package to the world, as long as they don't examine the true ingredients? You need to remember that fake isn't as palatable to God as it is to you and I. We just chew and swallow. God vomits it back out (Revelation 3:16).
People in the world who have to get a taste of us deserve the real thing. They need to see real Christianity, not this disgusting man-made, devil propelled phoniness. Let Jesus live in you and through you. He's the real thing! And God not only deserves the same realness, he demands it.
They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good. -Titus 1:16
~Charles Schultheisz
Woodsfield, Ohio
On The Search For A Signal
If I go outside, walk to the corner of the pasture where the windmill stands, hold my phone up into the air tilted slightly toward the east, I can get two bars. Sometimes the bars turn from gray to blue. I’ve never really known what this means exactly other than that blue is better. If I bring my phone back down to my ear and the blue bars remain, I am able to make a phone call. During that phone call, if I move too much eastward, westward, northbound, or southbound, or if the wind blows slightly harder, or if the elk in the pasture raise or lower their heads, or if the ants in the grass hiccup, I lose the call. They tell me these areas are called “dead zones” or “drop zones”. As I write this while camped out on Shannon’s home-place here in the middle of nowhere, it feels more like a twilight zone!
Everyone on the planet has bought into the idea of having a telephone glued to their person because we recognize that it makes life easier and less stressful. Sometimes, though, what it does is make you want to throw it against the wall and gleefully watch it break into tiny little pieces.
There are certain times in our day to day lives, certain situations in which we must have a signal. The meeting place or time has changed. Someone is sick. Someone is dying. I need to talk to you, now. You need to talk to me, now. One bar, five bars, whatever – just put me through to whom I need put through!
Maybe this is why I so appreciate the prayer of Jonah:
"In my distress I called to the Lord, and he answered me. From the deep in the realm
of the dead I called for help, and you listened to my cry.”
You just can’t be anymore in a “dead zone” than folded up in the gut of a fish swimming around the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea. But in fact he had a signal. It went through. The one he so desperately needed to contact could hear him clearly. You know the rest of the story.
It’s not the phone you keep attached to you like a third arm that makes your life easier and less stressful. It’s the pure, repentant, Holy Spirit-filled heart inside of you, the one that keeps the signal between you and God strong, which gets you through to the next day. It’s a signal that cannot be lost by the circumstances or geography of your day. Whether on the dry land embraced by the warmth of the sun, in the boat rocked by the storm, or in the deepest, scariest darkness, God is available to you because he is in you. You don’t need to be so frustrated. You don’t need to feel like you want to smash something, or someone. You don’t need to hold your hands or your body in a certain formation. You need not be in a certain place, in a certain posture, with your eyes facing a certain direction. Just open your heart and talk to him. Call out to him. You have a signal.
~Charles Schultheisz
Joy Bus News - Fishers Of Men
October 4th was a great day of worship in Bible hour. The children learned about Elijah and after worship the family was invited for hot dogs, chips, cake and drinks. When we arrived at the pond each child got to fish and most of them caught fish. 40 fish were caught and released back into the pond. This was our 15th year and seeing Martha Lee’s smile and feeling the warmth of Clyde Ault’s heart brought a great day of Christian fellowship.
The church family responded well with volunteers to help kids fish, measure fish, document the names of people, food, bathroom monitors, and watching for the safety of children around the pond and woods, setting up the poles, driving and knocking doors, setting up Bible studies, cleaning up and the list goes on.
Thank you to the Fellowship Ministry, Teen Ministry, Bus Ministry, Benevolent Ministry and Education Ministry for all your help and support for another year of fishing.
Congratulations to Cooper Hayes for catching the largest fish. Coopers name will be on the 2015 Clyde Ault, Foxy Daily biggest fish award plaque in the Fellowship Building.
God has given all of us the opportunity to bring souls under the sound of the Gospel. It takes work, time and money to accomplish this for God. This family is to be commended for your love and compassion to support an outreach to our community. in winning souls. A special thanks to Gods family for your prayers and kindness in touching lives for Jesus.