News & Announcements

News & Announcements

Church of Christ Disaster Relief

Our thanks to the family for your support each Sunday to Disaster Relief.  In 2017, 16 states and US territories were ministered to with 10 shipments totaling $10,825,852.87.

In 2016, Churches of Christ helped 20 states with 326 shipments totaling $12, 263, 421.68.  Praise God that we can be part of a  Ministry that helps hurricane, tornado and forest fire victims.

Our own flood victims in West Virginia & Pennsylvania were helped by your support each week.

This family is truly a giving family searching to help others in need.  Thank you!

Building Program

The addition on the Fellowship Building is underway and the blueprints are waiting to be approved.  We need more space in the Fellowship Building to host the family during Fellowships and Events.  We thank God for faithful members and the great blessing God has given us to expand the facility for fellowships.

Eight Ways to Have a Winning Day

  1. Believe that something fantastic will happen today.
  2. Practice saying something good about everyone you meet.
  3. Take advantage of every honorable opportunity.
  4. Practice and believe in prayer-power.
  5. Have a positive outlook on life.
  6. Remember that you can't please everyone.
  7. Saturate your mind with positive thoughts.
  8. Practice giving yourself away:  give to others.


We are told to help bear one another burdens (Gal. 6:2). In Philippians 2:4, we are instructed to “look out for the things of others. “Pure religion is defined by James as “visiting the fatherless and widows” as well as keeping ourselves unspotted from the world (James 1:27). Paul tells us that when opportunity comes, we should “do good unto all and especially unto the household of faith” (Galatians 6:2). Then there is Matthew 7:12, which we have called the Golden Rule. “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do ye even so unto them: for this the law and the prophets.” It is simply saying that we ought to treat others as we want to be treated.

In every congregation we find some members who, due to age and sickness, are no longer able to get out as they once did. They are confined at home with the family or else in a nursing home. Some are widows and widowers and all are of the household of faith. They are burdened in many ways. They have the burden of loneliness. Some burden themselves with the thoughts that they are burdens to their families and this is a great weight upon them. Every member of the church should respond to these people.

We can respond with a card if the person is able to read. A phone call will help. From time to time a visit should be made. A little gift often helps to lift their spirits with just a word to let them know that they are not forgotten. Little things mean a great deal to those who are no longer as active as they once were.

If we do not die young, we will all get old sometime. Some of us will be in nursing homes and confined within the homes of our families. We need to be reaching out to those who are shut-in that we might set the example for others to follow when we reach that point in life. Those who are young and able to go should treat those who are not as we would want to be treated in that day.

Let us not forget the shut-in.

Happy New Year

Another year is about to pass. Tonight at midnight, it will be 2018. We encourage everyone to ready your bible more, pray to God daily and keep a positive attitude no matter how hard Satan tries to knock you down. Life is short and our time could be over any minute. Let's start this New Year with a commitment to serve God more. If you have not obeyed the Gospel then don't wait any longer. Be baptized today and make God number one in your life. The best advice for the New Year is to love God with all your heart, soul and mind. Let the blood of Jesus Christ wash away your sins and start the New Year out becoming on of God's children.


Happy New Year,

Keith Jones

Thank You - Hog Roast

Thanks to all that helped at the hog roast.  John and Barb for getting the hog.  Derek and Kelci for use of the cooker.  The cookers - Brent, Dan, Bill.  Also, Gary, Bev, Dawn and Sue for all their help.

Thank You - Fishing Day

A special thanks to the volunteers for cooking hot dogs and helping with our annual fishing trip to Ault's pond.   There were 45 at the pond and 23 fish were caught.  Walker Jones landed the biggest fish at 6 7/8 inches.  Congrats to Walker.  His name will appear on the Clyde Ault and Foxy Dailey award plaque in the Fellowship Building.

We appreciate the family's support and love in providing a time for some kids to fish for the very first time.  The expression on their faces tells it all.

Milestone for Keith Jones

This September marks the 30th year working full time for the Woodsfield  Church of Christ. Many roles have taken  place since I was employed by this family.  Elder, Deacon, Youth Ministry, Golden  60’s Minister, Joy Bus Minister (Tina and I were some of the first workers on th Bible School on Wheels), weddings,  funerals, Family Life Minister, Bible Class  teacher, Bible hour, Puppet Ministry and  the list goes on. God has Blessed Tina & I  with a super church family and my prayer is  that God will continue to give me wisdom  and good health to serve this family. The  family at Woodsfield is one of the best and  everyone’s love and compassion to win  souls and help the church grow is very  much appreciated

We thank the Woodsfield Church of Christ  for all your love and support. May God  open opportunities for us to grow and may  we use those opportunities and give our  talents, time and support to win souls.

World Bible School

We all want to share the Good News of Jesus.  World Bible School has simple, effective tools that let everyday Christian's share Jesus with real people who want to learn.  You can be an online friend for people who have enrolled on their own to study the Bible.  Anyone can do it -- youth, singles, families and seniors.  Right now, WBS students are waiting for someone to hlp them.  You can become a WBS study helper today at



This week as you’re reading this, Abby and I are wrapping up our vacation with my family in Chincoteague, VA.  Chincoteague is an island near the ocean that my family has been going to since I was a little boy.  Each year in August, my parents and grandparents would load up the vehicles and we would spend a week together in Chincoteague swimming, fishing, eating, and relaxing.  It was (and still is) one of the highlights of my year.

Vacation is such a highlight for me probably because I’ve always struggled to rest.  Abby regularly accuses me (and rightly so) of not taking enough time to slow down.  If I’m not doing something ministry-related, I usually have a long list of school, vehicle, or house projects I need to work on that consume my time.  I share this because I’m probably not that much different from many of you.  Many of you probably can relate to the difficulty of taking time to rest.  There always seems like there’s something else that needs done.

In Gen. 1 and 2, God creates the world in six days.  On the seventh day, the Bible tells us that God rests, which is funny because an all-powerful God doesn’t get tired.  God rested after creating to make a point to His creation—rest is important.  God wanted to send a very clear message to us that it’s essential for us to slow down and take time to re-energize.  He did this with the Israelites by establishing a pattern of weekly Sabbath and yearly feasts that would allow the people to stop working and enjoy time recharging.

In our culture, work is prized and celebrated and, rightly so.  God prizes, celebrates, and even commands work.  But, He also commands rest.  How good are you at getting regular periods of rest?  It could be a hobby, something you enjoy doing.  It doesn’t have to be kicking back in a chair and doing nothing, but it should be something that energizes you.  I would also go so far as to say this should be a weekly thing.  A few generations ago, this was always on Sunday.  Many can remember the days when stores were closed on Sundays and people didn’t go anywhere or do anything.  Those days are gone, but that doesn’t mean we need to stop creating our own periods of weekly rest.  Whether it’s a Friday night date with your spouse, or designating Saturday as a family day, pick a spot in your week that you don’t do anything work related.  You may find that you’re actually more productive throughout the week with an expected rest period at the end.  Rest is a healthy thing.


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